Between Music and Life

Good morning (or afternoon/evening/night). I've been checking in here fairly seldomly of late due to various professional obligations, but I wanted to reach out today and share a few salient facts, mainly the fact that I've been taking my work as a singer-songwriter more seriously.
At the beginning of this year, I pivoted to releasing music under a "band name": Buck's Harbor. If you found last year's singles under my own name, they're now rebranded everywhere but Apple Music. I tend to work with a lot of collaborators, so it didn't feel appropriate to call the music just "mine." Buck's Harbor is the name of a place featured in Robert McCloskey's classic picture book One Morning in Maine; it's the spot the children organize their day around a trip to, a paradise of ice cream and local color. "So it's like Shangri-La?" a friend asked when I explained it. Essentially, yeah.
If you're inclined to follow us on Bandcamp, that's always the best way to support artists and stay in touch with their work. All of my releases are free to stream, so do it there if you can rather than on the Big Bad App. I'll also be posting more material there than I post to the other services; Bandcamp is a great way to send out the stuff that doesn't quite feel like an "official" release (like the newest track on there, an ode to the great Guy Maddin, written and recorded in about 24 hours last week).
I am, of course, in tune with the realities of our convenience-oriented world. So here's an embed of our "official" singles on the Big Bad App. I'll forgive you for streaming them there this time.
I also wanted to point you towards our Instagram as @bucksharborstuff, where I'll be posting the most content of all, including "live from the basement" videos, like yesterday's teasing a very interesting project I'm working on.
And more! I'm taking a songwriting workshop taught by Brian Eno, and I'm producing a lot. Most of it is going to Instagram.
Finally, I wanted to share that if you're reading this on January 12 and live in the south-of-Boston area, I'll be making my live debut tonight at the open mic at The Tinker's Son in Norwell. Come on down if you're available. I'll be singing about my wife, my kids, going to the gym, and not knowing how not to screw up.

Thanks for listening. More to come.