1 min read

A Warning

Dear newsletter subscribers,

It is more than likely that around this time tomorrow, you will receive a “newsletter.” It will be “about” my tenth viewing of Elvis, but it will also open with these words:

tw: mood disorders

I am offering anyone to whom that trigger warning will apply 24 hours to unsubscribe. If you are susceptible, this piece of writing will be triggering.

Further, if you know and love me, it is entirely likely you could be triggered even by receiving it. If this note gives you any pause at all, I do recommend unsubscribing for at least 24 hours.

I will be expecting to lose some numbers today, and will be frankly surprised if I don’t.

Please know a few things

  • Before you see it, this piece will have been read by the three people I trust most with my work. I will not name them, but two are on this list. One has given his approval; I will not publish without the other two.
  • As I told my doctor this morning, I cannot expect that anyone trust me, but I do ask that they do. I have never significantly jeopardized my career or personal life and do not intend to do so now.
  • I will likely promote this piece today and tomorrow on Twitter (though not on Instagram or Facebook). If simply being associated with me at this time is triggering, as I know it is for some of you, this is likely a day to mute or unfollow me. I will not take the latter personally.

I will leave it there. Tomorrow, anyone still subscribed will receive the second-longest piece of writing I have ever done for publication. The longest is my book.